We all know how much our environment can affect our ability to get work done. From loud whispers to obnoxious pen clicking, our surroundings can quickly create diminishing returns to our productivity.

To maximize productivity levels in any office, it is necessary to take a look at the environment and atmosphere that is being created. A key element to constructing this type of environment is the lighting. While ideal lighting can come down to personal preference, in general, lighting affects our mood in similar ways. There is a relationship between lighting and productivity: cooler light makes workers more productive.

Cooler light consists of light sources that are closer to the violent and blue spectrum, whereas warm colors fall towards the yellow, red, and orange end. While natural light is the most ideal to boost mood, energy, and productivity- not all offices can supply their workers with an abundance of natural light. In this case, it is important to tailor the lighting in the office. Blue-enriched light in the workplace is correlated to an increase in performance. Levels of melatonin, which decreases our alertness, is lowered by this color light. By lowering melatonin levels, there’s automatic increase in our mental alertness. These blue-enriched lights also work to reduce sleepiness and fatigue.

Since this type of bright, blue-enriched light induces greater energy and alertness, you may want to consider warmer lights in rest areas for a more comfortable, relaxing ambiance.

Lighting is one of the most important factors in workplace productivity, yet it is often overlooked. Switching bulbs and investing in proper lighting throughout the office to optimize the workplace environment is necessary and will ultimately yield higher productivity levels among employees.